Add custom icons in Astah

blubar-big “Mini Icons” make your diagrams communicative!

When you want to add information to a model, you would add text or notes or change its color. In Astah “Mini-icon” is another option. You can a smily faces, check marks, stars or your favorite icons to impart the information visually!


bluebar How to add a mini-icon to a model:

1. Select a model you want to add a mini-icon
2. Click top right icon on Main Menu – if you click the arrow beside it, a list of mini-icons appears.

3. A mini-icon is added at the top-right corner of the model element


bluebar How to add customize icon

1. Click [Show Mini Icon List] at the bottom of mini-icon list.

2. A mini icon list appears in a separate dialogue. Click [Edit User Icon] at the bottom

3. A dialogue appears. Click [Add] button and choose an image file you want

4. You can add a name (optional)

5. Added icons are now added in the list under [User Icon]

Some of Astah users draw Fault Tree diagrams using Mindmap with these mini icons. (It will expand horizontally, but it works!
Astah fault tree analysis.png


Mini-icons are available in Astah Professional, SysML and GSN. Give it a try!

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