Astah Professional/UML/Viewer 9.1 Released!

We are happy to announce that we just released Astah Professional, UML and Viewer version 9.1 today!

You can see all the enhancements and bug-fixes on the full release notes but let me show you some of them on this post.

1. Enhanced Consistent Modeling

Astah supports Consistent Modeling by enabling you to reuse models across different diagrams.
In the latest version, we enhanced Astah’s notification system to show a dialogue any time you make important changes to those reused models. So that you will be aware that the change you are about to make will affect the other diagrams. This ensures that your entire model stays consistent and free from unintentional inconsistencies.

2. Efficiently Showcase Your Mind Map Topics

New collapse/expand options allow you to navigate your Mind Map branches more easily.
With a simple click, you can open target branches and close the rest. This enables you not only focus on the topics you want to edit, but also effectively present target branches during presentations.

Expanded Color Palette and Enhanced Color Configuration

Version 9.1 has a new palette of 279 colors which is 240 more than the previous version.
In addition, now you can specify colors before creating models. This feature eliminates the need to change colors later on.

There are many more enhancements in version 9.1 including:

  • Enhanced Automated Alignment
  • Artifacts in Deployment diagrams
  • Enhanced Diagram Thumbnails…etc.

How to use Astah v9.1

Looking forward to hearing your feedback on v9.1!

We’d love to hear what you think about this software update.
Please feel free to share your feedback with us at any time!

– Astah Team

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